Scrum – Quick Note

Scrum is an efficient framework within which you can develop software with teamwork. It is based on agile principles. It is an Iterative Incremental Model.

It Has the following features.

  • Agile Value – 4  FROCC 
    1. Commitment, 
    2. Focus, 
    3. Openness, 
    4. Respect, and. 
    5. Courage. 
  • Agile Principles – 12 
    1. Satisfy the customer 
    2. Welcome change requirement 
    3. Deliver working solution frequently  
    4. Work together 
    5. Support and trust 
    6. Face to face conversation  
    7. Working solution 
    8. Sustainability Development 
    9. Technical Excellence  
    10. Simplicity  
    11. Self-Organizing team  
    12. Reflect and adjust  
  • Pillers of Scrum – 3 
    1. Transparency 
    2. Inspection 
    3. Adaptation  
  • Scrum Role – 3  
    1. Scrum Team  
    2. Product Owner 
    3. Scrum Master 
  • Scrum Events – 5  
    1. The Sprint 
    2. Sprint Planning 
    3. Daily scrum  
    4. Scrum Review  
    5. Scrum Retrospective 

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